Call (440) 502-1060 to Donate Items, Schedule Pickup, or Request Assistance.

Call (440) 502-1060 to Donate Items, Schedule Pickup or Request Assistance.

Come Pray With Us!!

Prayer is powerful in giving hope for a better world for all of us.

Listed below are the names of last month’s Donors and Clients of I’m in Ministry!  Join us as we lift all of them in prayer.

We pray in thanksgiving for the generosity of those who have donated furniture, household goods and made monetary gifts.  We pray again in thanksgiving for the opportunity to assist those in need.

If you would like to add a name to this list please click on the button below and complete and submit the simple form.

God’s Abundant Blessings to All!!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference Amen.

Prayer for Serenity, Reinhold Niebuhr 

Abdul AAbdul MAlicia HAminah T
Amira BAndrew JAndy GAngel A
AngieAnn HAnnie SArlene M
Ashley KBarbara MBarbara MBarbara S
Barbara TBea NBeverly KBianca V
Bob HBob HBob WBrett H
Brian MBrianna MBridgette BCarolin H
Carol KCarolyn SCassandra DCharles M
Charles WCharmaine BCheryl PCheryl S
Cheterra TChiquitta WChris KChris K
Chris SConnie CDale BDan G
Daniel CDaniella MDavid MDawn D
De'Asia PDebbie PDebbie SDeborah A
Debra TDenise CDenise WDennis A
Dennis FDestiny EDiane JDina F
Don FDonna NDonna SDylan S
Earlene BEbony AEleni JElisa P
Emmed EGayle AGayle GGayle R
George HGina CGina CGiovani S
Giovanni HGlen SGloria JHamidullah A
Henrietta BHilda HIndia RIvette R
Jack AJackie MJakelin VJames B
Janessa DJanet AJanet KJanine D
Jasmine TJason BJason KJeffrey C
Jenny MJessica HJessica KJoAnn D
Joanne FJoe DJoe FJoey E
John KJohn MJohn MJohnnie C
John PJohn RJohn WJo T
Joyce BJudy DJudy FJudy P
Julie EJulie LJulie LKaren
Karen CKaren RKaren SKaren S
Katherine KKathi FKathleen HKathleen M
Kathy GKatie MKatie OKaylee M
Kaylla WKeith KKem RKent P
Kevin MKitty BKurt ZLarry E
LaTaura HLatrice PLee LLeila P
Leslie Ann MLinda JLinda PLisa D
Lisa GLisa SLisa TLiz H
Lois SLoraine WMarcelle MMarcy C
Marey HMargaret BMarilyn MMarissa
Mark BMarle GMarlene HMarquese W
Marshall LMartiana FMarvin LMary E
Mary WMashika JMelinda FMel M
Melodie PMeredith TMezlan WMichael B
Mikeala PMiles CMinerva FM J D
Moira CMolly SMone NMonica W
Natalie MNora HNora MOmiyra C
Pamela OPatPat GPat H
Patricia SPatty DPatty VPaul & Charlene K
Paul MPrecious PRaeanna HRaymineshia D
Renita CRichard PRich KRich S
Rick KRochelle FRoniesha JRon P
Rosemary SRose ORosetta MSakina N
Samaria OSam SSandra HSeanna W
Shanica NSharon FSharon WShaunte S
Shawntae MShay Marie RSheila PSherita D
Sirenia WSonillaStephen ZSue S
Sue VSue WSusan PSuzi T
Ta'Niesha WTabitha PTakia LTaliyah J
Tamika RTara ETasha HTerrance M
Terry CTheresa BTheresa KTheresa N
Theresa WTom KToneshia PToni E
Tony CTVL SVenezuela BVenus M
Veritta JVictoriia TWilliam S
Jerry LRowanNancy SShirley J
Julie PJoanne DDebbie PMike P
Nikki CMatt CJenna LLinda
Juanita BMorgan MTom WKaren
Jacob DVincent TDawn DDoug D
Dennis JBarb JDebbie PMike P
Lois CFrancine MJeniece RIsadora F
Joe FLeanne FKaren AThiago S